Meet our Hubble Hero House Charities: Boise Rescue Mission Ministries

Posted: November 9, 2020 | Categories: News | Heart of Hubble

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We would like to introduce the valley charities that will benefit from the proceeds of our Hubble Hero House. Today we are focusing on Boise Rescue Mission Ministries.

Since 1958, Boise Rescue Mission Ministries has been meeting the needs of homeless, hungry, and hurting people in our community through five unique shelters in the Treasure Valley. The Rescue Mission sees hunger and homelessness in its entirety. For the Mission, taking care of homeless men, women, and children isn’t simply about meeting physical needs — food, shelter, clothing — it’s just as important to address mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Each year, the Mission serves 225,000 meals and provides 120,000 safe nights of shelter, along with Transitional Housing, Children and Teen programs, Veterans Ministry, Addiction Recovery, and other programs to help individuals successfully get back on their feet.

Mission: Boise Rescue Mission Ministries is restoring faith, hope, and family by reaching out to the community, teaching the Word of God, and providing food, shelter, clothing, and opportunities to recover from homelessness.

As you can imagine, our Hubble Hero House means a lot to the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries. They feel that in these uncertain days of elections and pandemics, they are truly blessed to be selected as a partner in the Hero Home. As a faith-based ministry that does not receive any government funding, they are completely dependent on the generosity of our community for the funding necessary to carry on their work. "As we consider the amazing generosity of Don Hubble, Hubble Homes, and the many contractors, we pause and thank God," said Boise Rescue Mission Ministries President / CEO Rev. Bill Roscoe.

Are you curious to find out what the money that they will receive from the proceeds of our Hubble Hero House will go toward? As you can imagine, a variety of their programs will benefit from the Hero Home gift. They feel that having the promise of this gift, coming right at the start of the holiday season, gives them the confidence to plan and carry out all of the special events and essential services that they have provided to the community over the past 62 years.

Boise Rescue Mission Ministries President / CEO Rev. Bill Roscoe was able to give us some more details: "We are responsible to care for hundreds of men, women, and children every day, providing meals, shelter, clothing, and programs designed to help people recover from homelessness. This year we are also providing our children, of all ages and from a variety of school districts, supervised “on-line learning” that they need to stay up on their studies."

You can learn more about Boise Rescue Mission Ministries by visiting their website.


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By Hubble Homes, LLC


Thomas J. Wilford
Nov 9, 2020

May God Bless Don Hubble and Hubble Homes for this gift.

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